Our Prestige Package offers a huge range of services at a discounted rate. Not only does it provide you with the use of our prestigious Covent Garden address for your government and general mail forwarding, but it also provides you with exceptional assistance with registering for VAT and PAYE.
Think you might be making changes to your company structure in the first 12 months, or are you interested in getting help with data protection and compliance? Why not take a look at our All Inclusive Package which includes all of our most popular services at an even bigger discount?
The Prestige Package includes the following services:
- Limited Company Formation
- Full set of digital and printed company documents
- Registered Office Address
- 1x Service Address
- Business Address
- Filing of the First Confirmation Statement
- VAT Registration
- PAYE Registration
- Telephone support for the life of your company
- Free Business Banking account
- Free .com or .co.uk email domain
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