We provide an Annual Accounts service, only for companies which have been dormant.
A company is classified as dormant if it has had no significant transactions in the financial year. However, if it has settled an invoice, paid bank charges, bank interest, paid employees, or paid dividends to shareholders, it will lose its dormant status, as these are all examples of significant accounting transactions. You must then submit accounts to Companies House and HMRC for any period when there has been any financial activity (even if it is just expenses going through the Company, with the exception of accountancy fees, tax payments and Companies House fees).
As we are not financially trained, we do not provide an Annual Accounts filing service for trading companies. We recommend speaking with an accountant for assistance with this.
If you have not been trading, you can view our Dormant Company Accounts filing service here: Dormant Company Accounts Service from £49.99 | 1st Formations
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