Yes, you can. This does depend on the type of filing.
- Tax - Failure to file tax returns with HMRC on time will result in a financial penalty. If you are not trading, you must inform HMRC, otherwise they will assume you are trading and will fine you when you fail to deliver a tax return.
- Annual Accounts - Failing to file Annual Accounts on time will result in a financial penalty from Companies House. The penalty starts at £150 and the fine increases the longer you leave it. You can view the penalty structure here. Please note: it is still a requirement for non-trading companies to file accounts.
- Confirmation Statement - You will not receive a financial penalty for filing a Confirmation Statement after the deadline. However, Companies House will give you around two months, and if this filing is still not complete, they will begin the process to dissolve your company.
Our Services:
Annual Accounts (for dormant companies only)
- Standard Dormant Accounts Filing Service (filed in 2-3 working days) £49.99 + VAT
- Express Dormant Accounts Filing Service (filed in 1 working day) £79.99 + VAT
Confirmation Statement
- Standard Confirmation Statement Filing Service (filed in 2-3 working days) £59.99 + VAT
- Express Confirmation Statement Filing Service (filed in 1 working day) £69.99 + VAT
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